Homeschool Journey in the Middle East

We have been homeschooling our two kids for about two years now and we are about to finish our 1st quarter in our third year of home schooling. Our homeschooling journey is not easy; especially the first time we home schooled our eldest son. We are both working as an expat but we can say that it’s doable.

What is homeschooling?

Homeschooling, also known as home education, is the education of children inside the home. Home education is usually conducted by a parent or tutor (Wikipedia). 

Yes, parents usually take the responsibility (mom mostly) to teach their children. Homeschooling doesn’t mean you only study in your home, learning can take place anytime and everywhere.

Legally, homeschooling is recognized by the government in the Philippines. So, if the time we plan to bring them back to traditional school that would not be a problem for us. There are home school providers in the Philippines who recognized internationally who can help us to our home school journey.

Why do you homeschool?

When we decide to home school our kids, this question is very common. Why and why not? When we decide to live and work in UAE alongside with my family, homeschooling is one of our choices to educate our kids. We made the decision to homeschool our kids because we think we could give them a better education, a better experience, and we can impart to them our values intentionally. Maybe traditional school can give it but it certainly wasn't for us. 

Homeschool Providers

Homeschool providers are very important in our homeschool journey. There are home school providers in the Philippines who recognized internationally who can help us to do our homeschooling. Though some people has success story even they are homeschooled their child independently, means they didn’t enrolled in any homeschooled provider. Actually homeschool provider helps us to get accreditation for our children’s homeschooling. They can give us documents and records that are needed when our child enrolls in a regular school or college.

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