10 Health Tips for a Better You

What to do for a better you.

1. Drink filtered water. You would not believe the kinds of things that are present in tap water. After the delicious taste of filtered water, and the way you will feel as a result, you will rue those times where you are stuck with water from the tap. 

2. Find something you truly love to do. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy - and an unhealthy one. 

3. Exercise regularly, as if your life depended on it (because it does). One of the first steps to a healthier you is to create, and stick to, a regular exercise routine. Everyone's body is at a different stage of athletic ability, but there is an exercise for anyone, no matter what age you are. 

4. Do not sacrifice a regular sleep schedule. Sleep allows your body to recover, and your brain to flush out all of the cluttered thoughts that have accumulated during the day. 

5. Take care of yourself. Whether this is through a spa day or therapy sessions to "talk it out," everyone needs time to decompress. 

6. Keep an active mind. Whether through playing games or reading, engaging your mind will serve your mental health especially well when you start to reach older ages. 

7. Eat good food. You are what you eat - literally. If you eat fast-foods and butter all the time, you will not feel very good. A proper balance of carbs, proteins, fruits and vegetables, and fats is the best way to kick start personal health or satisfy your recreational sports program

8. Fresh air. Do not underestimate the power of a beautiful afternoon walk in a scenic park. It can relax, and provide some exercise. 

9. Get proper nutrition. Mother was right: take your vitamins. 

10. Healthy social engagement. Everyone needs a friend, and you will soon lose interest in just about everything if you do not have the opportunity to share life with someone you like and care about. 

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